About Us

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The cornerstone of our success lies in the PlusOne Training system, which is a never-ending lifecycle.

Each and every agent is trained and given sales tools that no other agent in the industry has access to. One of our key differentiators lies in the tools and systems that train our agents to be the absolute best.

Other call centers train agents on how to answer calls, read scripts, and disposition calls. We take it to the next level by teaching our sales agents to be present, engaged, confident, and in control of each conversation. We turn more objections into sales and our training is the backbone of why our conversion numbers are consistently ranked at the top with our clients.

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· Creates trust between the buyer and the sales agent.

· Creates urgency on every call while maintaining the call to action throughout the entire call.

· Instills confidence in the buyer that the decision they made to buy when they called was the right decision.

· Keeps the agent closing until the buyer is closed.

· Keeps the agent present and engaged on every call.

· Teaches the agent how to deal with success and failure by focusing on the next sale, without being affected by past results.


The training never stops. Our agents are mentored by proven sales experts who are the leaders in converting sales for our clients. This is in contrast to the industry standard where coaches and managers focus purely on the operations – reports and time tracking.

Our salespeople are the most focused, most confident, and most successful agents in the industry. When the PlusOne training is combined with the best people, we know for a fact that they have the tools they need to get even better (PlusOne) – with every call they take.

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The bottom line is this: performance metrics and reports ALWAYS reveal that PlusOne converts more sales than any other call center in the business. The numbers never lie. No other sales center can match our performance and we are willing to go head to head with anyone to prove it.

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· PlusOne resurrected a dead DRTV campaign for a major U.S. manufacturer. The sale was a $599 soft offer. PlusOne moved conversion from the test metric of 18% to an ongoing monthly average of 40%. This increase in conversion cut the client’s advertising costs by more than 50 %.

· PlusOne had similar results with another $699 soft offer. In a head to head comparison with two of the top call centers in the industry, PlusOne consistently performed at double the conversion rate of its competitor call centers, while selling the same product with the same offer.

PlusOne will increase conversion rates and add more money to your bottom line. We will prove it.

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PlusOne provides free consultation with each client to develop the most effective scripts, offers, and sales strategies. Our mission is to provide the most capable, highly trained agents available within a highly scalable and quickly deployable model.

PlusOne will deploy “soup to nuts” product campaigns in less than three weeks, with script and offer adjustments available on the fly.

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“If we do not match our agreed upon minimums, we will refund all setup fees!”


“Plus One” is more than a name; it is the driving philosophy of our business: one more sale, one more percentage point, one more successful DR campaign.

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