Don Timpson
co-founder and CEO
As a college university administrator, Don was a pioneer in growing Distance Education acceptance in the United States. Don sees that in many ways, the Direct Response industry could take notes from higher education and apply them at work-at-home sales environments. Don provides the vision to take PlusOne into a new era of work at home agents and supporting clients across the world. Don holds a Doctoral degree in Performance Technology and is co-founder of PlusOne.
Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.
A. Marion Timpson
co-founder and CPO
Marion quickly rose to "Top Sales Agent" in the Direct Response Sales industry after years of perfecting his sales craft. At Dial America, he excelled at selling credit cards and originating loans. In 2005, Marion joined O'currence Teleservices where he quickly became the top converting agent. Marion mastered the incoming soft sale technique and used his talents to empower and train other superior sales agents. After years of training people to be great sales agents, Marion set out to create a new type of company. Along with Don, Marion co-founded a company based on success management and delivering unsurpassed conversion rates. His infectious enthusiasm is the "heart" of PlusOne.
It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.
Dan Thompson
EVP of Business Development
Dan's leadership skills were forged in the fire of the US Air Force and refined as he built his own team of distinguished Real Estate professionals. His unique ability to communicate with clients and represent their needs is a cornerstone of the PlusOne method. Dan works with our external partners to provide clear common objectives and align our goals with theirs to ensure our mutual success.
The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.
Aaron Timpson
Aaron graduated from the University of Utah with a Masters of Science degree in Civil Engineering in the spring of 2010 and was fully integrated with PlusOne a few months later. He worked as the Traffic Manager, scheduling agents for several years while developing system operations and the technology PlusOne uses today. Aaron is the architect of POP (PlusOne Portal) sales software and manages the developers behind it. Data analytics is his forte, and he is highly driven by critical thinking and problem solving. His knowledge of numbers and the way they relate to each other has been an invaluable resource in PlusOne's technological advancement.
Take a stand for right, and be humble enough to know when you are wrong. Refuse to accept mediocrity.
Gilbert Cawley
Creative Marketing Director
Based in Southern Utah, Gilbert Cawley has been operating in the Direct Response space since 2011 working primarily as a project and account manager. He also specializes in data analysis and has extensive experience as a telesales script writer.
Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.
Josh Barlow
Director of Information Technology
Tom comes to PlusOne with a very diverse background. His favorite saying is "Been there done that and I have the t-shirt to prove it" when it comes to qualifications. he is a Veteran of the Printing Industry, the Direct Mail Industry, the Fulfillment industry, Merchant processing industry and all manners of the Direct Sales industry. His experience in these industries ranges from top level operations to all levels of sales, client care and training.
Goals plus action creates passion, provides purpose.
Claudia Cawley
Project & Account Manager
Based in Southern Utah, Gilbert Cawley has been operating in the Direct Response space since 2011 working primarily as a project and account manager. He also specializes in data analysis and has extensive experience as a telesales script writer.
I find the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.
Heber C. Horsley
General Manager
A staple inside of PlusOne Company from its inception, wearing a plethora of hats, Heber currently fills the title of General Manager. Relentless attention to detail paired with his ability to build and nurture lasting relationships, make him our Client's favorite person to work with and get things done! His decades of knowledge in the industry guiding hundreds of clients down a path of trust, success, and increased NET Revenue, give him an inside track to the competition. Heber is happily married with 9 children and that is his "why".
If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.